Human Resource

Human Resource

Human resources are the aspect of any company operation which is unavoidable, inevitable and need extra care in the management operations. No company functions effectively without the effective management of their employees and staff. The Odoo platform exhibits and provides various employee management tools and functions which would ease the operation of the HR department. The Odoo HR management is a collective aspect of various individual modules of operations which function together by interconnecting with the other aspects of the company operation in Odoo.

The following modules of the Odoo platform that run and are integrated for the HR management:

  • Employees 
  • Recruitment 
  • Appraisal 
  • Planning 
  • Time Off 
  • Referral 
  • Payroll 
  • Attendance 
  • Expenses management
  • Lunch
  • Fleet management 

The key feature of Odoo HR management:

  • Employee creation and management 
  • Referral recruitment 
  • Online recruitment support with social media integration 
  • Skills and resume management 
  • Documentation 
  • Employee leave management with time off, attendance monitoring and payroll functionalities
  • Appraisal and expense management on each employee 
  • Employee contract creation and management 
  • Possession allocation and custody management
  • Effective employee and equipment transfer
  • Manage timesheet and field service duration records 
  • Separate dashboard for each employee and manager
  • Approval module for the various aspects of permission request


The Odoo employee module allows the users to create the profile description of each employee working in the company. This tool is an essential informative database which would serve as the information storage aspects of the employee in a company. The employee module can be installed from the application s menu of the Odoo platform. The below image shows the employee module dashboard of the Odoo platform. The use can view all the employees being described and can create new ones using the creation window. The various filtering and group by functionalities area available which has both default as well as customizable options available. In the left side of the dashboard the user can view the classification parameters of the employees baked on the company if using multiple companies in the platform, the department allocation and classification. Each menu can be accessed by selecting the respective classification which will showcase the respective employees. The employee dashboard can be viewed in kanban and list views. The various activities connecting each employee participation and on them can be viewed and created from the activity menu accessible through the clock symbol available in the dashboard.


The creation window asks the user to provide the information of the employee such as name, job position, contact details, department and manager allocation. The various artbutions available in the menu allows the user to navigate to the respective aspects of the employee description such as equipment, timesheet operation, contracts of the employee, time off durations, payslip and planning aspects.


Under the resume tab the user can provide the details of qualification both based on professional as well as educational. The descriptions can be made by selecting the add option available. In case of the skills the various skills can be defined in the skills menu accessible through the configuration tab of the module. The records that needed to be removed using the delete button available.


Under the work information menu the user can describe the various work aspects such as location and company of work, the approvers required for the functioning in the company on aspects such as time sheet, expense and time off approvals. The working schedule based on the time zone operations can be defined. The various planning activities and operations on which the employee should be involved can also be described.


The private information tab of the employee menu allows the users to provide description on the personal aspects of the employee. The contact address, along with the emails and phone number can be described. The employee bank account details can also be described. Under the citizenship the user can describe the nationality, identification details, passport information and birth details. The marital status as well as the number of dependencies can also be mentioned. There is provisional space to describe the emergency contact details, work permit details and the employees educational qualifications.


The HR settings window of the employee menu will allow the user to describe the employee details which are needed for the HR department of the company. The managerial aspects as well as employee identification for the employee registration, attendance and fleet operations can be described. Under the timesheet descriptions the employee remuneration based on the hourly aspects of the employee functioning can be described.



The time sheet operations of each employee can be described in the timesheet menu accessible from every employee window. Here the time speed by the employee on additional functions of the company operations which are granted by on duty aspects from the managers can be described.


To create a new timesheet operation, the user can simply select the add a line option available and will be depicted with the window to add the time sheet descriptions. The project on which the time has been spent, task of the project, date and time duration can be mentioned. A custom made project description can be provided for the respective time sheet operation.



The employee contact for the company operations can be described under the respective employee in the contacts menu available. The contact menu can be classified on various stages of operation which can be created and customized. To create a new contract, the creation menu can be accessed.


Under the creation menu the employee details which will be autofilled and edited. The contract duration can be specified along with the working schedule. In the salary information tab of the creation window the respective monthly salary description can be provided. The detailed description on the contract containing the terms and terminologies can be described under the contact details menu.



The employee specific and well as the one he/she is linked to can be described in the employee documents menu. This window is interconnected to the documents application of the Odoo platform. The various documents can be created, removed and modified based on the user priorities. A spreadsheet which provides access to all the participants of a project can be created which will allow them to upload and describe various aspects of the project.


Configurations under employee module

The employee module provides the user with various configurational settings operations which allows the users to simplify HR management aspects of the company.


The settings menu of the employee module provides the provision access to enable the various aspects of the employee description in the Odoo platform. The attendance details of the employee can be based on the attendance or the user status of the system or both. The skills management can be enabled which allow the user to describe the various skills and resume options in the employee description window.

The companies working scheduling and the time format can be selected from the ones described. The various working schedules can be modified by selecting the external menu link available. On enabling the employee editing access the respective employees can edit their information in the Odoo platform form their own user dashboard.


Job position

The job positions window accessible from the configuration tab of the employee module allows users to create tabs for various job positions available in the company. The data available in the job positions window can be filtered and grouped by using the radius options available.


To create a new job position the user can select the create window in which the user can describe the name of the job position, provide a custom made description. In the recruitment menu the company, department, job location, the expected employee/ employee requirement and the recruiter details can be provided.



The departments window accessible form the configuration tab will allow the users to create the various departments of the company. The data available can be filtered using the various sorting functionalities available.


To create a new window the user can select the create option available. In the window provide the department name of which should be created, assign the parent department, manager and the company allocation.



The planning window of the Odoo platform provides the users with the ability to add the both onboarding and out boarding operations of the company employees. In addition, the various custom made operators which are required for the company operations on project planning can also be described.


In the creation window a new panning can be described with its name and the activities included. The activities can be described by creating a custom made one or by selecting the ones already described. The user can select more than one activity to be included in the planning.



In the case of the work space the gamification is very important as it allows the employees to challenge themself and increase their spirit to be motivated at the workspace. Manu organisations have adapted thesis culture thus providing an enjoyable time working at the office with their colleagues. The Odoo platform allows the users to define and execute various challenges and tasks as per this objective and analyze the employees based on their performance.


The employees can be assigned badges for the various achievements they have incurred ducting the company operations. These badges will allow the employee to stand out and be distinguished from the ones available. In addition, these badges will allow the users to distinguish the operation aspects of each employee. The new badges can be created and added to the platform using the create window available.



The challenge programs of accompany can be defined and created from the Odoo platform. This would provide anonymity in operation as well as the rewarding process. The new challenges can be creed in the challenge window accessible from the configuration window of the employee module.

In the creation window the challenge name, periodicity, display mode, the responsible person and the duration of the challenge can be assigned. The goals of the challenge can be described in the window and the various advanced operations on the challenge creation are available. The rewards are based on the badges being created and specified in the platform. The reward for every succeeding user and for the various positions achieved can be assigned in the window. The user can also enable or disable the rewards if no one succeeds and the best employee is provided a reward based on the analysis of the task.


Employee reporting

The employee module allows the users to create the analytical report on the contract option of the employees. The reporting menu of the employee module will help the users in doing the task. In the reposting menu the various filtering and group by functionalities are available which would help the user to sort out and obtain the data specific reports. The report on contracts can be viewed in the form of line, bar and pie charts.



The attendance module of the Odoo platform allows the users to mark the employee attendance for the days which can be configured with the payroll functionalities of the platform. The employee attendance marking can be done physically or based on employee log in using the kiosk mode of operation Odoo.

The employees can log in to the attendance window of the platform using the unique pin which is generated by the platform or can be assigned during the employee creation.


On the successful login of the user to the all form he/she is depicted with the following window which will indicate the employee name and the time of log in.


As the employee finishes his /her work for the day and needs to log out of the platform he can again access the attendance window in which the log out option is visible.


On logging out the user is depicted with the window as shown below. This will ensure that the employee is successfully logged out and the time is depicted.


Kiosk mode

Another method of logging to the company is using the kiosk mode here there are two options using barcode entry or unique pin. The Odoo platform supports the barcode integration in various aspects of the company operation especially in the inventory of the company as well as the employee management aspects. The employees are provided with a unique identification card which will include the barcode being printed in them. In case of the need the user can select the login window and scan the barcode in the reader which will easily help the users to login and log out.


The employee barcode and pins can be assigned in the employee window of the platform under the HR settings tab. The pin number can be assigned in digits and the badge ID containing the barcode will be auto generated by the Odoo platform using the described barcode nomenclatures being described in the Odoo platform.


The Other option is by logging into the platform using the respective pin allocated to the employee. These pins can only be managed by the respective employee or the administrative developer of the platform. To use the pin operation, the user should initially enable the employee pin option available in the configuration menu of the attendance module.


As the employee chooses the option identified manually in the kiosk mode, he/ she will be depicted with the employee list from which their name can be chosen. The various filtering and advanced viewing options are available in the window.


On choosing the respected employee icon the platform will identify the employee show in the window to log in to the platform.


Manger option in Attendance module

The Odoo attendance module will provide the manager access to the information about the attendance aspects of the employee. Under the manage module the user can view all the employee attendance in the attendance menu. The data can be filtered and sorted out as per the manager needs. The manager also has the provision to access the employee menu directly from the module which will showcase all the employee description and information allocated with it.


Attendance reporting

The reporting functionality of the attendance module in the Odoo platform will allow the user to generate monthly, weekly and yearly attendance reports on each employee and the ones in groups. This analytical reporting will allow the user to have a definite record of the employee functionalities in the company.



An aspect of company operation and HR management the recruitment of the employee should follow a deliberate and precise path of operation. Which being followed will allow the companies to grab the best and potential candidate from the list of applicants. The Odoo platform has allocated a separate module to deal with the recruitment operations of the company. The Odoo recruitment module is interconnected with the various aspects of HR operation so the company.

The recruitment module dashboard will provide the users with all aspects of the operations to deal with a company hiring operations. The job postings can be made and the applicants can be viewed and made to undergo the various recruitment operations of the company. In case of numerous job applications which can be filtered and grouped by the default as well as customizable options available in the module. The published job potion star indicated and the user can publish a new one by describing the job details and publishing it from the company website.


A new job opening can be created in the menu with the help of the creation window available. In the creation window the user can describe the job position name and the description on the job. In the recruitment menu the user can provide the details of the recruitment for the in house operations. Assign the company if functioning with multiple companies, department, job location, expected vacancies and the recruiter of the process.


As the job position is described the candidate can now view the job on the company website and apply for the position. The user can publish the job vacancy by selecting the unpublished option available and turning it into published one.


As the candidate is selected to apply for the job he/she can choose the apply now option on which they will be directed to the application window. This window can be customized based on the user preferences. In the window the candidate will be asked to provide detail along with the contact info in case of further proceedings.


As the information is being provided and the application submitted upon confirmation the candidate will be depicted with the window as shown below.



The applications window of the recruitment module will allow the users to manage, monitor and control all the aspects of the applicants and the recruitment process allocated with their operations. The user can view the status of the applications and these can be modified in each of the application windows. The various stages of the recruitment process can be initiated and described in the platform. The applications available can be grouped and filtered as per the user terminologies. The applications can be distinguished based on the color coordination available and the interview can be scheduled at the ones listed as per the convenience of both the applicant and the company.


The applications submitted online through the company website can be viewed in the application window and the operations can be modified. In the respective application the user can view the description on the candidate and the details of the application. The stages of the recruitment process can be modified by changing the status of operation. The meetings can be scheduled in the meetings window of the application.


The various activities can be scheduled on the application. The activity scheduling can be done at the bottom of the respective application in the log note description. The various activities such as calls, meetings and custom made ones can be done based on the user and the company prospects.


On selecting the schedule activity option the user will be depicted with the window as shown below. Where the user can choose the activity type, assign a person and describe the due date of the operation. In the description window the user can provide a custom made description of the respective activity.



The reporting aspects of the recruitment process will allow the users to generate the various analytical as well as descriptive reports on the aspects of the recruitment process being conducted in the company. The filtering and group by functionalities can be defined based on the default as well as customizable options available in the platform. The analytical reports can be viewed in form of line, pie n bar graphs which would brighten up the reporting aspects of the company.

Employee payroll

The Odoo platform has the allocated employee payroll management module which helps the users to deal with all the payroll functionalities of the company. The payroll in Odoo is integrated with the attendance and time of module where the payroll of the respective employee is calculated based on these. In addition, the payroll module allows the users to manage the employee insurance, loan, mange allowances and bonus.

In the home dashboard of the employee module the user can view the list of the employees which can be viewed based on the department and the company allocations. The data in the menu can be filtered and grouped by to deduce the respective information based on the default as well as the customizable options available.



The contracts of the employees defined in the platform can be viewed in the contracts menu which can be accessed from the employee dashboard of the payroll module. The contacts available can be fileted and grouped for the deduction purposes. In addition the filtering can be done based on the ones running in the company and the terminated or the expired ones. To create and allocate a new contact in the platform the user can select the creation window accessible from the menu. In the creation window the user can define the contract name, allocate an employee, department, job position, company and salary structure. The duration of the contract along with the working schedule can be selected. In the salary information menu the user can allocate the wages per month.


Work entry types

The work entry types of the Odoo platform can be defined in the configuration window of the work entry types menu. In the menu the user can view all the work entry types being enlisted and the editing can be done by selecting the respective one. Additionally, if the user wants to create a new work entry type the user can select the create option available.


In the creation window the user can provide a work entry type name, code allocated, sequence of operation, allocate it’s time off or unforeseen absence and the rounding aspects in the payslip operation.


Salary structure

The salary structure of the employees in the company can be described in the Odoo platform under the salary structure menu which is accessible form the configuration tab of the payroll module. The defined salary structure of the company can be viewed in the Odoo platform under the salary structure menu. The new salary structure can be created using the creation window accessible from the window.


In the creation window the user can provide a name for the structured type, country on which the salary type can be defined on. The wage of operation, default date of schedule pay, default working hours, regular pay structure, default work entry.


The salary structure can be created based on the structure type which has been defined in the salary structures creation window. In the window provide the name, choose the type from which it has been defined, allocate the report, scheduled pay, allocate the salary journal. The salary rule for the operation can be defined based on the allocations required, the unpaid work entries can be defined in the menu and other input parameters can also be described.


Salary rules

The rules of salary computation can be described in the salary rules of the respective menu which can be accessed in the configuration tab of the platform. The rules can be described based on the user aspects in the creation window. The name of the rule, category of operation, code of the rule, salary structure and sequence of operation can be described. Under the general information tab the user can also define the conditions as well as the computation of the amount as per the allocation rules.


Salary rule parameters

The salary rules in Odoo are defined based on the rule parameters which are only being defined in the platform. In the rule parameter creation windows the user can provide a name for the rule parameter. Code of operation and allocate versions of operation.


Payslip other input types.

The other input types for the payslip allocations can be described in the other input type window which can be accessible to the user in the configuration tab. The description of the other input devices, availability in structure and the code can also be allocated.


Employee payslips

The employee payslip menu can be accessed from the payslip tab available in the dashboard. In the payslip menu the user can view all the payslips being generated from the platform and using various sorting options available by default and customizable ones the user can deduce the required information.

In the payslip creation menu the user can assign the employee on whom the payslip is being generated, period of operation, contact details, salary structure and payslip name. The worked days of input can be described in the respective menu. The salary computation details along with the accounting information be described in the respective menu of operation.


Payslip batches

The Odoo platform allows the users to create a payslip and operate the payslip operation in batches. This would be extremely beneficial in company operation which would allow the operations of salary payment to be done by batches thus simplifying the hectic task. The batch mode of payslip generation can be done in the payslip batches menu which is accessible from the payslip tab of the payroll module. In the payslip batches to users can create a new payslip batch by selecting the create option available. In the creation window the user can assign the name of the batch based on the department, job position or so on. Describe the period of the payment being done and enable the credit note aspect of the accounting.


Work entries

The work entries of the employee can be described in the work entry menu, the details are auto described as per the employee attendance and time off details in the platform. The work entries menu acts as a reporting aspect of the employee attendance one watches the payrolls being generated. In the menu the data can be viewed based on the operation of a day, week or months. There is an additional conflict menu which will describe the various conflicts which have occurred in the attendance aspects of the employee on the platform.



Like any aspects of the company operation in Odoo the platform allows the user to generate the reports of the payroll aspects of the company. These reporting aspects will define the operational as well as analytical aspects where the data can be sorted out and viewed in different formats.